CBW Advocacy
Advocating solely for Washington's community banks
Community Bank Advocacy
Community Bank Legislative Agenda 2025
Advocacy In action CBW Members Only
Weekly Legislative Update - Virtually join us every Monday at 11:00 during the Legislative Session for a discussion of important developments
- Weekly Legislative Report
CBW maintains a sophisticated political advocacy program, assuring that our unique banking perspective is heard and understood by our State's policy makers. We advocate
independently and aggressively on behalf of our membership, as well as collaborate with other financial entities and industry stakeholders to influence the legislative and political process. CBW is the only association advocating exclusively for Washington's community banks.
During Washington's legislative session, CBW members receive weekly legislative email updates, and can discuss legislative priorities during weekly virtual meetings with CBW lobbyist Brad Tower. The Northwest Policy Conference, held in Olympia during the session, brings together bankers from all over Washington to discuss issues, policy, regulations, and meet with their legislators.
CBW joins with ICBA and community banking associations from across the nation supporting Transforming Regulation for Growth: The Community Bank Legislative Agenda
CBW Political Action Committee (CBW PAC)
CBW's political Action Committee (PAC) works within Washington to promote public
policy favorable to the community banking industry and Washington's business economy in general. The CBW Board of Directors determines how PAC funds are spent. CBW members and bankers contribute to the PAC to keep the voice of Washington's community bankers strong.
ICBA Advocacy
ICBA engages members of Congress and federal regulators to help them understand the community banking industry and concerns through our legislative priorities and continuous push for pro-community bank policies. Policy resolutions are approved by the ICBA Policy Development Committee and the Board of Directors to broadly describe the association’s major policy objectives for the year. The resolutions are designed to provide policy guidance for ICBA officers and staff and general policy direction for ICBA standing committees, the Federal Delegate Board, councils, and task forces.
CBW and member banks frequently join with ICBA to send emails and phone calls to members of Congress and regulators about a particular issue. This has great impact on how an issue moves through Congress.
Every spring, community bankers from Washington and the other 49 states meet with their congressional delegates in Washington D.C. during ICBA's Capital Summit. For more info - ICBA Capital Summit