Sponsor Details 2025


September 17-19, 2025 at the davenport hotel

Thank you for your support of CBW and your commitment to community banking in Washington. This is a prime opportunity to reach a high number of decision makers in the community banking industry. Convention sponsors are recognized as leading supporters of community banks. I am confident that you will find great value in your investment.

AGENDA - The most up to date version can be found on our event app, available after June 13th. Download Whova from the App Store or Google Play, then search for CBW's Annual Convention & Tradeshow 2025. Only registered attendees are able to view the event app. Attendee List - registered attendees can see the list of attendees on the event app. Download Whova to your phone or computer. From the app, log into "CBW's Annual Convention & Tradeshow 2025" using the same email you used to register for the convention.

What's Included - Your sponsorship includes all the receptions, dinners, and educational events. One of the primary reasons for attending the convention is the amount of time you can be talking with the community bankers. The trade show is a chance to show your “stuff”, but the opportunities to introduce yourself to individual bankers last the entire convention. We request that you not schedule any meeting or events that conflict with convention activities.

​Trade Show Schedule Please be at your booth during trade show hours. Wednesday, Sept. 17
+ 12:00pm-4:00pm - Set Up
+ 5:30pm-7:00pm - Tradeshow & Reception Thursday, Sept. 18
+ 5:00pm-7:00pm Trade Show/Reception/ Silent Auction Friday, Sept 19
+ 7:00am-10:00am - Tear Down

​Trade Show Layout

Layout will be available about 30 days before the event

Conference Attire - All events, meals, and education are casual, including jeans.

Shipping Information (see full info & fees) The resort casino must be notified in advance if materials are being sent, including the quantity, size, arrival date and the shipper at least one working day prior to delivery. Shipments may not arrive more than 3 business days prior to the event.

Labeling of Boxes Items clearly labeled in the following manner:
Attention - Hotel Banquet Department
Community Bankers of WA Meeting
September 17-19, 2025
Name of Your Company
Name of Your Onsite Contact Person
Hotel Address: 10 South Post Street Spokane, WA

​Silent Auction to Benefit CBW Education Fund - The silent auction is within the trade show on Wednesday & Thursday nights. If you have not already done so, please consider donating to the auction. If you have a booth in the trade show, your donation will be displayed at your booth, requiring bidders to stop by. Donations are optional and much appreciated. Please send a description & photo of your auction item to kathy@communitybankers-wa.org.

Beyond the Agenda

Invite a banker to dinner - opportunities on Tuesday 9/16 after 6:00 pm. Reservations recommended.

Hospitality Suite - join the bankers to unwind from the day. Wednesday & Thursday from about 9pm until the last person leaves. Ask at the convention registration desk for the room location.

Convention Venue
10 South Post Street Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 455-8888

On site Contacts during conference
The conference office is located in TBD
Kathy Swenson - 360-789-4004 or kathy@communitybankers-wa.org
Janel Bulley – 360-870-0332 or janel@communitybankers-wa.org

2025 Sponsor Terms & Conditions:

Sponsors may not host meetings or events for conference attendees that conflict with the conference agenda. Cancellation permitted with notice in writing to CBW. If notice is received by August 1, 2025, 50% of the sponsorship will be refunded. If notice is received after August 1, 2025, no refund will be made, and the sponsor agrees to pay in full as promised. 2025 Conference sponsors have the option of trade exhibit space based on sponsor level and space available and must inform CBW of intent to have a booth when committing to sponsorship. Exhibit space is one 6ft table per exhibitor, with tablecloth & skirting. Electrical access is additional $25/day, wireless internet is free, wired internet is $50/day. Payment arrangements for electrical/internet must be directly with the hotel. Exhibitor must be at booth on 9/17 5:30 pm-7pm, and on 9/18 5:30pm-7pm. Set up time is September 17 1:00pm-4:00pm. Break down time is September 19 6:30am-9:30am.

Suit casing Strictly Prohibited - Suit casing is the act of soliciting business by a non-exhibiting/sponsoring company during the event (Sept. 17-19, 2025) or in other public spaces, including another company's booth, event center, or on the venue property. It is CBW event management's objective to do everything legally possible to protect its exhibitors, sponsors, and attendees from suit casing